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Female artists in Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

The exhibition Konkrete Künstlerinnen: Zwischen System & Intuition will run in Kunstmuseum Stuttgart until 17 October 2021. Work by Marcelle Cahn, Geneviève Claisse, Sonia Delaunay, Clara Friedrich-Jezler, Lily Greenham, Katarzyna Kobro, Verena Loewensberg, Vera Molnar, Aurelie Nemours, Charlotte Posenenske, Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Mary Vieira is on display. Twelve female artists who were in contact with each other in various ways in the post-war period.

Many of the 120 works on display can be qualified as geometric-abstract. Beautiful works by Sonia Delaunay-Terk and Sophie Taeuber-Arp can be seen, but the exhibition also shows remarkable work by lesser-known names, such as Verena Loewensberg, Vera Molnar and Katarzyna Kobro (sculptures).

The exhibition has been taken care of down to the last detail, with clarifying texts and diagrams. It shows the works to their best advantage.

Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Rythme couleur, 1959-1960
Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Rythme couleur, 1959-1960
photo Philipp Ottendörfer

A second reason to travel to Stuttgart is the exhibition on Willi Baumeister (1889–1955), which will run until 26 September 2021, under the title Willi Baumeister, Adolf Hölzel und Fritz Seitz: Kamm, Pastell und Buttermilch.

Willi Baumeister, In farbigen Wolken, 1950
Willi Baumeister, In farbigen Wolken, 1950
photo VG Bild-Kunst

This exhibition also stands out because of its perfect care, and shows a large collection of Baumeister’s works, mainly on paper. There is also work by Baumeister’s teacher, Adolf Hölzel (1853–1934), and by Fritz Seitz (1926–2017), who was apprenticed to Baumeister. Baumeister, Hölzel and Seitz all studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart.

Willi Baumeister is regarded as one of the most important German representatives of abstract art. He experimented to his heart’s content with materials and techniques. He made his so-called Kammzug-Bilder using a metal comb. He used buttermilk to obtain a matt surface, and frequently incorporated sand and filler in his paintings.

More information
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart has been housed since 2005 in a fine, modern complex on the Kleiner Schlossplatz, in the heart of Stuttgart. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday. See the museum website for more information.

The Kunstmuseum houses the comprehensive Archiv Willi Baumeister, which was initiated by the artist’s widow and daughter. More information about this archive can be found here.

A digital work catalog of Baumeister’s paintings, drawings, gouaches, collages and graphic work was developed in collaboration with art historians.

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart