In True Colors, Kunstmuseum Den Haag presents a selection from the contemporary collection of the AkzoNobel Art Foundation, and combines it with iconic works of art from its own collection.
For almost thirty years, the AkzoNobel Art Foundation has supported young talent and established artists through commissions and purchases. These works of art decorate the work and reception spaces of AkzoNobel, the Dutch paint and lacquer manufacturer. In addition, since eight years the Amsterdam head office has an art space that is freely accessible to the public.
More than sixty artists
The theme of colour in all its facets is one of the spearheads in the collection policy of the AkzoNobel Art Foundation. In addition to colour, this exhibition focuses on the themes of space, individual and society. True Colors shows work by more than sixty Dutch and international artists who deal with these themes. Artworks by Steven Aalders, Yael Bartana, Ann Veronica Janssens, Emma Talbot, Alan Uglow and Marthe Wéry enter into a dialogue in The Hague with works by Donald Judd, Sarah Lucas, Piet Mondriaan, Bridget Riley and Charley Toorop from the collection of the Kunstmuseum.
The True Colors exhibition runs until September 29, 2024.
Kunstmuseum Den Haag is located in a building designed in 1935 by architect H.P. Berlage at Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague. It is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
T 31 (0)70 338 11 11

Tyna Adebowale, Xee #shecalledmewoman, 2021
Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 207 cm