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Image hunger in Museum No Hero

In the exhibition ‘Beeldhonger – Hunger nach Bildern’ (‘Image hunger’ in English) in Museum No Hero in the Dutch Delden, works from the Neue Wilde and the Neue Leipziger Schule are shown in combination. 

Both movements brought back autonomous figuration in West and East German art respectively in the late 1970s, but due to the separate development in the two Germanys during the Cold War, they were not perceived and presented coherently for a long time. The exhibition Beeldhonger – Hunger nach Bildern includes more than eighty paintings and aims to show the connection between the Neue Wilde and Neue Leipziger Schule. Part of the works on display come from the No Hero collection, some are on loan.

No Hero
Museum No Hero was created more than five years ago from the international art collection of Geert Steinmeijer. In addition to Dutch and German art, Chinese and Vietnamese art form focal points within the collection. The museum is located in an eighteenth-century country house that is part of the Twickel Estate. The focus is on the No Hero Foundation’s own collection. There is a semi-permanent exhibition, ‘Kleur bekennen’ (‘Showing colour’). In addition, changing exhibitions are organized every six months.

In a videoclip on the museum’s website (Dutch spoken), curator Erik Lips and guest curator Ralph Keuning discuss the Neue Wilde and Neue Leipziger Schule.
In the NPO series Nu te zien (Dutch television, also Dutch spoken) Bart Rutten, director of Centraal Museum Utrecht, visits the sculpture garden and the country house of Museum No Hero.

The exhibition ‘Beeldhonger – Hunger nach Bildern’ in Museum No Hero can be visited until October 12, 2024.
Address: Hengelosestraat 2-4, Delden
T 0031 (0)74 202 00 10

Rainer Fetting, Der Kuss IV

Rainer Fetting, Der Kuss IV, 1981
Acrylic and resin on canvas, 200 x 240 cm
Collection Museum No Hero