Marino Marini
La caduta dell’angelo
The fall of the angel, etching by Marino Marini with extraordinary dynamics.
- 1961
- Etching on Vélin Rives
- 70 x 54 cm (sheet), 41 x 32 cm (image)
- Hand-signed Marino
- Edition size: 60 Arabic and 30 Roman numbered copies, and 10 artist’s proofs; the piece offered is a unique proof (third state) which slightly differs from the version issued by Propyläen
- Professionally framed, equipped with museum glass
- Issued by Propyläen, Berlin & Pantheon Presse, Agno (1973); printed by Fetthauer & Löeding, Hamburg
- Reference: Guastalla & Guastalla 160; see also F. Russoli & C. Marsan, Omaggio a Marino Marini. Trentadue incisioni eseguite dal 1959 al 1972, Firenze: Galleria d'Arte Poggiali e Forconi, 1986, where this particular proof is depicted on p. [23]
- Provenance: private collection Milan
- Price on request
1961, 1968, etching, fallen angel, Guastalla & Guastalla 160, hand-signed, La caduta dell'angelo, Marini, Marino, Marino Marini, Olla Art, the angel's fall, The fall of the angel